Custom Ordering Algorithm


One approach to ordering data in MySQL would be to add an order by clause at the end of your query such as ORDER BY id ASC. This works perfectly fine for simple queries, but it doesn’t give you much control over the ordering. To get around this, we can use an expression instead of a column.

For example, let’s say we have a table of posts like this:

1Title 1published
2Title 2drafted
3Title 3scheduled
4Title 4scheduled
5Title 5published

If we used the column approach, our query could be like this which would show the scheduled posts followed by the published and then the drafted posts.

select * from posts order by status desc;
3Title 3scheduled
4Title 4scheduled
1Title 1published
5Title 5published
2Title 2drafted

What if we wanted to show the published posts first followed by the scheduled posts and then the drafted posts? We can use an expression in place of the column in the order by clause. Our query can then become this.

select *
from posts
order by case status
    when 'published' then 1
    when 'scheduled' then 2
    when 'drafted' then 3
1Title 1published
5Title 5published
3Title 3scheduled
4Title 4scheduled
2Title 2drafted

Much better! Now we have more granular control over the ordering of the data.